Triggers by JJ86 8/9/04

Trigger Conditions

· ALWAYS -  This trigger is always considered true, so the event will go off. Useful for a trigger that is meant to happen at the start of a mission.

· NEVER - The opposite of always. This trigger will never go off. Useful when testing something and you need to disable the trigger without deleting it from your list.

· SPEECH OCCURED - When an entity says the matching speech event which can be chosen from a pull-down field. The speech event is defined in the related speech node in the "Default Event" field.

· SKILL USE OCCURRED - When the tagged entity uses the specified skill the trigger occurs. Choose the appropriate entity from the list and pick which of the eight skills has occured.

· VARIABLE - You can set and check variables inside the editor. This can be used for when a player talks to actor X they are now allowed to do something new. Variables are set as strings. If the campaign box is checked, then it checks against campaign variables, otherwise only variables local to the map are checked against. Choose a consistent and descriptive name for the variable and maintain same case. The value can be any text string like "TRUE", "T", "YES", or whatever. Again, keep the case consistent - use all upper case for example.

· TIMER - The timer is a special variable routine that can increase or decrease a value. This condition will check that value against a preset number. Choose a timer name as similar to the procedure for a variable name.

· QUANTITY - TEAM - A check if the team specified has a certain number (or more than/less than) of a specified type. Check "In Location" if you want to specify a particular zone.

· QUANTITY - PLAYER - The same as team, but checks the specific Player Index instead.

· QUANTITY - PLAYER KILLS - Similar but checks to see how many of a certain player index has been killed by another PI. I believe this may be more useful for multiplayer games.

· QUANTITY - UNIT - The same again but checks for tagged entities.

· OBJECT SCRIPT STATE - Checks the state of tagged entities or containers to check if they are open or closed. Can also check doors, alarms, switches or lights. I believe the check box should always be marked.

· ALL ALIVE AT EXIT GRID - A simple check to see if a certain Player Index (PI) is alive at the exit grid.

· CAN SEE - Checks to see if one player can see another. Use with caution, as Can See has a range of 100 metres, and doesn't take line-of-sight (LOS) into account.

· BRAIN EXTRACTION COMPLETE - Obviously not used often and is self explanatory.

· MP-GAME TIMED OUT - A multiplayer game check to see if timer has reached its limit.

· MAIN ACTOR ALIVE - Seems to be useless. There are no specific checks and it is redundant.

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